Find out how much you can borrow | Glorious Deal

Find out how much you can borrow

Answer a few quick questions to find out what amount you can borrow from 30+ different banks. We'll email you a personalised borrowing power report too.

You'll also gain access to our user-friendly dashboard, which along with one of our brokers will guide you through the application process.

Your loan We want to help you get the best outcome. So, tell us...
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Loan process

  • Qualifier
    Find out what amount you can borrow from 30+ different banks.
    ~5 mins
  • Welcome
    Feel free to have a look around your dashboard.
  • Application
    Provide your details so we can give you the best mortgage advice.
    ~15 mins
  • Waiting on broker
    Waiting on broker
    Your broker is finding the best loan options for you.
    1-2 days
  • Choose a loan
    Choose a loan
    Choose from a personalised list of suggested loans.
    ~10 mins
  • Submit documentation
    Submit documentation
    We'll need to pass on documentation to your chosen lender.
  • Waiting on bank
    Waiting on bank
    Application has now been submitted. Waiting on the bank to respond with an outcome.
  • Application completed
    Application completed
    Application is completed.